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This course will introduce sustainability today major challenges. It will emphasis how sustainability and environmental impact can be tackled into the engineers activities. The objective is to give tools and method to perform a light Life Cycle Assessment in order to do an ecodesign activity.

The objective of this course is

- to carry out a design study in preliminary phase (from the idea to the generation of concepts then to the selection of 1 or 2 solutions for pre-sizing),
- taking into account environmental assessment stages to conduct multi-criteria evaluations, comparisons and decision-making on all stages of the life cycle of the designed product.

You will therefore be introduced to environmental assessment tools and methods (simplified), completed with resources and links to conduct the project (framing the steps and sending to links or references).

Here are the key steps (milestones) of an ecodesign approach (according to ISO 14062)
1. Conduct an environmental profile to identify hot spots
2. Research and rank the areas for improvement in order to define an improvement strategy.
3. 3. Select environmental indicators to formalize improvement paths or guidelines.
4. Evaluate these indicators for the reference product and for the redesigned product to assess and validate the environmental gain.
5. Set up follow-up and communicate

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