Enrolment options


Mathematics for Engineers is one of the mandatory classes you must take for the International Master Program Factory of the Future. This class will cover the fundamentals of linear algebra and linear ordinary differential equations.

The class consists of 10 sessions, each 3 hours long, from late September to late October. During each session, classical lectures and exercises will be intertwined with each other. Below is a tentative list of the subjects discussed during each session.

  • Lecture 1 :

WARNING: attending each of these lectures is mandatory. Any unjustified absence will be reported to the school.

The material covered in this class is relatively standard, no particular textbook will be used. Nonetheless, you will find below a list of recommendations. Whenever possible, these books are directly available from ENSAM library (either physical or online).

Your grade for this class has three different contributions:

  1. A final exam will occur shortly after the Autumn holidays (i.e. late October/early November). It will account for 50% of the final grade.
  2. Small tests might be randomly given during each lecture (hence the required attendance). These tests will account for 20% of your final grade.
  3. The remaining 30% corresponds to three assignments that will be given over the course of the class.

Regarding fraud: To minimize the risk of fraud, students are required to obey the following rules :

  • Telephones, tablets, personal computers, or other communication devices must be stored away during the exam.
  • Unless explicitly specified, no documents are allowed during the exam.

Failure to comply might result in a penalty. Moreover, if cheating is detected, it will be reported to the school and actions will be taken, possibly resulting in an automatic failure for this class.

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