Enrolment options

2nd semestre

This class is focused on working in a team. You will discover what is required to expand a business and its production plant abroad.

Themes covered:
Introduction to Globalization and expectations
SWOT and competitor analysis
Country specific research and discovery 

Historical and cultural differences 

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics

New Production site and Technologies

Supply Chain Management
Global strategy Entry Mode

Capacity to work in a team and associated problem solving

Capacity to work on a global business expansion

Research a company, develop, and provide a solution for its ability to expand abroad

Understand the current issues, barriers, and risks of expanding abroad

Understand the associated vocabulary and terms in English

Gain confidence speaking and presenting in English in a group.

B1-B2 level of English

B2-C1 level of English.

Business English Vocabulary 

You will work on a global project where you will choose a company, and a country, in which you will expand the business and production site abroad. You will look at the reasons for why a company would want to expand internationally. Review the economic, political, legal, cultural barriers to entry into a country. Analyze the company, its competitors, the industry, and customers to decide its viability. Look into the corporate social responsibilities, ethics, supply chain management and new technologies. Their findings and recommendations will be presented in May 2023 to a jury.

Deliverables for the project 

You will need to produce a schedule and project plan, 

executive summary – with the overall goals of the project, 

project report (16-18 pages excluding appendices) and 

group presentation at the end of the project.

Evaluation of team members



International Business Klaus Meyer Mike Peng

Introduction to a theme

Primary and secondary research regarding the target company and country

Group work

Written report


40% Group Work
Mid term Report, Final Report, Group Presentation

60% Individual Work
Written Test 1: (Businesses Failing to succeed/SWOT Analysis/PESTLE Analysis/ Cultural Differences and grammar/sentence correction)
Written Test 2: (CSR and Ethics, Production Site and New Technologies/ Supply Chain Management/Global Strategy and grammar/sentence correction) 

10% Team Evaluation/Participation/attendance
10% TOEIC Test

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